Chapter 1 :- Introduction to the object-Oriented Approach
The foundation of Object-Orientation
Characteristics of the Object-Oriented Approach
Classes in c#
Chapter 2 :-Creating Objects
Declaring and Initializing Variables
Data Types in c#
Accepting and Storing Values in Member Variables
Creating a sample C# program
Compiling and Executing C# program
Chapter 3 :- Operators and Programming Constructs:
Using Operates:
Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic assignment Operators
Unary Operators
Comparison Operators
Logical Operators
Using Conditional Constructs:
The if ...else Construct
The Switch Construct
Using Loop Constructs:
The while Loop
The do...while Loop
The for Loop
Chapter 4- Encapsulation and Abstraction:
Introducing Abstraction and Encapsulation:
Defining Abstraction
Defining Encapsulation
Introducing Encapsulation by Using Access Specifiers:
Types of Access Specifiers
Using Methods: Defining Methods
Calling Methods
Using Methods with Parameters
Static Variables and Static Functions:
Static Variables
Static Functions
Chapter 5 - Creating Value Types and Reference Types:
Describing Memory Allocation:
Using Strycture
Using Enumeration:
Declaring an Array
Initializing and Assigning Values to Array
Manipulating Array Elements
Using collections: