The various characteristics of the Object Oriented Methodology, which are identity, classification, inheritance and polymorphism.
Object oriented technology is based on a few simple concepts that, when combined, produce significant improvements in software construction. Unfortunately, the basic concepts of the technology often get lost in the excitement of advanced features and advantageous features. The basic characteristics of the OOM are explained ahead.
Characteristics of Object Oriented Technology:
* Identity
* Classification
* Polymorphism
* Inheritance
The term Object Oriented
means that we organize the software as a collection of discrete objects. An object is a software package that contains the related data and the procedures. Although objects can be used for any purpose, they are most frequently used to represent real-world objects such as products, customers and sales orders. The basic idea is to define software objects that can interact with each other just as their real world
counterparts do, modeling the way a system works and providing a natural foundation for building systems to manage that business.
In principle, packaging data and procedures together makes perfect sense. In practice, it raises an awkward problem. Suppose we have many objects of the same general type- for example a thousand product objects, each of which could report its current price. Any data these objects contained could easily be unique for each object. Stock number, price, storage dimensions, stock on hand, reorder quantity, and any other values would differ from one product to the next. But the methods for dealing with these data might well be the same. Do we have to copy these methods and duplicate them in every object?
No, this would be ridiculously inefficient. All object-oriented languages provide a simple way of capturing these commonalties in a single place. That place is called a class. The class acts as a kind of template for objects of similar nature.
Polymorphism is a Greek word meaning ¡§many forms¡¨. It is used to express the fact that the same message can be sent to many different objects and interpreted in different ways by each object. For example, we could send the message "move" to many different kinds of objects. They would all respond to the same message, but they might do so in very different ways. The move operation will behave differently for a window and differently for a chess piece.
Inheritance is the sharing of attributes and operations among classes on a hierarchical relationship. A class can be defined as a generalized form and then it specialized in a subclass. Each subclass inherits all the properties of its superclass and adds its own properties in it. For example, a car and a bicycle are subclasses of a class road vehicle, as they both inherits all the qualities of a road vehicle and add their own properties to it.